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Name  Pierce Brosnan painting
Price, USD  30.00
Status  For sale, check
Size, cm  27.9 x 35.6 cm /switch
Artist  dusty hanson
Year made  2009-01-01
Edition  Limited
Style   Traditional
Theme   Portrait
Media   Oil
Collection   Traditional
This is oil painting of Pierce Brosnan. It was painted by Martigan. Martigan has been painting portraits for over 5 decades now, into his nineties. Now for the first time his work is being opened to the public. This is a professional print, matted and framed in a solid oak frame. This piece is ready to hang. This is a limited edition, own your piece of history and enjoy this timeless classic.
These are some of the works i have done that are more on the traditional side. All great works.
Sean Connery painting
by hanson
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