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Name  Panorama 204
Price, USD  10.00
Status  For sale, check
Size, cm  59.4 x 42.0 cm /switch
Artist  Misha Douglas
Year made  2002-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Traditional
Theme   Spring
Media   Mixed Painting
Original art work - Copyright Protected
Certified of Authenticity.
Art work is available in deferent forms and sizes.
Solde art work will be delivered within 2/3 weeks ,
in Post TUBES- Postage and handling is free , Lay-Bay is excepted on 25% holding deposit for 3 Months.
Deposit is not REFUNDABLE
Payable trough Pay-Pal or Money Order to the artist.
Born in former Yugoslavia ( Monte Negro ) : Finish Technical Collage And University as Mashine & tools designer , Study Art In Italy < Germany , Austia , Bosnia , Hroation , Serbi...
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