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Name  Autumn. Evening fog.
Price, USD  2000.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  52.0 x 40.0 cm /switch
Artist  Sergei Tsirkin
Year made  2005-01-31
Edition  Original
Style   Impressionism
Theme   Fall / Autumn
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Golden names of Russia
Russian Autumn
"I apprehend any tree, any branch as something alive. In landscape, same as in eery man, I note its frailness, clearness. You have to deal very tenderly and carefully with nature."...
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Spring. Sukhodrev river.
by Tsirkin
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Last sunlights
by Tsirkin
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Warm winter
by Tsirkin
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Fresh snow
by Tsirkin
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