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Name  Monastery on Solovki
Price, USD  1000.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  29.0 x 40.0 cm /switch
Artist  Vyacheslav Kovalenko
Year made  2000-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   History
Media   Gouache
Collection   Old Russian towns
Solovki is a shortened name for the Solovetsky Islands, White Sea, Russia. Historically it has been a location of the famous Russian Orthodox Solovetsky Monastery complex, which repelled foreign attacks during the Time of Troubles, the Crimean War, and the Russian Civil War.

By Lenin's decree, the holy buildings were turned into Solovetsky Lager' Osobogo Naznachenia (SLON), Solovki Special Purpose Camp. The acronym of the camp name is a sullen word play for those who speak Russian: slon means "elephant". It was one of the first "corrective labor camps", a prototype of the Gulag system.

In 1926 the Solovki camp was turned into a prison, which was closed in 1939 because of the construction of a naval base.

The Orthodox Church reestablished the monastery in 1992, the year when the ensemble was included into UNESCO's World Heritage List.

As stated in the UNESCO's evaluation of this patrimony, "the Solovetskii complex is an oustanding example of a monastic settlement in the inhospitable environment of northern Europe which admirably illustrates the faith, tenacity, and enterprise of late medieval religious communities".
Artworks devoted to the history znd to the architecture of Old Russian towns. The landscapes of these Old towns attract Russian artist and they come every year to work there.
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