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Name  Not far away from Kolomna
Price, USD  1200.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  33.0 x 31.0 cm /switch
Artist  Sergei Tsirkin
Year made  1970-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   Architecture
Media   Oil on board
Collection   Russian Winter
Russian country-side
Russian Architecture
Kolomna lies southeast of Moscow near the confluence of the Moskva and Oka
rivers. First mentioned in 1177, Kolomna formed a key stronghold on Moscow's southern frontier; it was sacked four times by the Tatars.

In 1301 Kolomna became a part of Moscow principality. Starting from 1359 Kolomna change hands to Dmitry Donskoy who was one of the most outstanding knyaz in Russian history. (the word ‘knyaz’ stands for the English word ‘prince’ and ‘king’).

It was in Kolomna town where Dmitry Donskoy gathered his troops before the Kulikovskaya battle against the Tatars and their khan Mamai.

In 1552 tzar Ivan the Terrible formed his army in Kolomna before he attacked the town of Kazan to defeat this independent town.

The stone Kremlin of Kolomna was built between 1525 and 1531 during the rule of Moscow knyaz Vasily the Third after the Moscow Kremlin.

After this construction Kolomna became a strong fortress that could defend the Moscow lands against the Tatars and other enemies.
Winter in Russia
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This is the theme which is very popular among the artist because of the beuty of landscape that one can see visiting russian country-side.
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