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Name  "Costa de la Luz"
Price, USD  Contact Seller / Artist
Status  Not for sale
Size, cm  22.5 x 28.0 cm /switch
Artist  Billie Joyce Fell
Year made  1990-04-25
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   Architecture
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Impression Realism
The Atlantic coast near Tarifa in Andalucia is so very ancient that its history, although well searched, is often just happened upon during a walk or trip to the beach. These dolmens shoot up or fall over in the countryside, left throughout time to remind us how little we know and how small we are.
Original oil paintings dedicated to the sharing of personal impressions received from the experiences recalled from special places. This realism collects these impressions which can be edited to appear together in the actual painting and represent a scene which actually does not exsist as so. There also appear elements which try to involve the spectator inviting them to enter into the painting. This can be achieved with perspective or, especially for me, the use of the shoreline in the foreground. These paintings also use texture on the surface, built up in oils, to not only mark the highlights but to also actually create different effects in different lightings. The built up surfaces undoutably create not only light reflection but shadows which, although hardly visible, change the overall effect. The time of the day and the change created by exterior or interior lighting reflect off the points of oil and will cause small but significant changes in the general atmosphere. In a way they can be thus brought to life, as if they breathe. The symbolism is always a subtle part of the artwork but maybe should not be just talked about as it could be discovered. One of the most wonderful appraisales I have received was to compare my work with poetry.
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