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Name  Venetian vase, murano glass, original masterpiece by top-master SCHIAVON Massimiliano, Venice Murano
Price, USD  37000.00
Status  For sale, available
Size, cm  34.0 x 62.0 cm /switch
Artist  Mariya Averkina
Year made  2007-10-10
Edition  Original
Style   Figurative Art
Theme   Fantasy
Media   Glass
The original masterpiece by Schiavon Massimiliano; Collezione Avventurina (collection).
This vase is created using unique technique. It is glass paste strewn with copper crystals. It is made with a secret procedure dividing the copper in small crystals shining like gold and giving triangular or hexagonal shape.

Massimiliano Schiavon was born on the 24th of March, 1971 in Murano. He started working in some small furnaces at the beginning of the ‘80s. At this time he considered glass more as a game than as a real job. Anyhow, during his youth he also made some fundamental experiences working together with some well known glass blowers of the island. In 1998 he came to a turning point, he began working in his father’s factory where, with the collaboration of the glass master Claudio Zanna, he combines all the different techniques that he has learnt in the previous years creating a new line of high quality products characterized by a unique and peculiar style. All the art pieces born from this cooperation are completely handmade. The technique that distinguishes them primarily consists of the composition of multicolour sticks of glass warmed up together at 750°C and then fused and blown with clear crystal. The following procedure for most of these art pieces is the hand grinding through the help of diamond wheels that, cutting and hammering their glass surface, creates extraordinary contrasts and inimitable optical effects. The final result of these different compositions is a selection of masterpieces that can be considered absolutely unique for their designs. They follow precise patterns and shapes which are the outcome both of a long experience and tradition and of a creativity which is continuously developing new ideas. Each piece is directly signed by the glass Masters and catalogued as unique thanks to its certificate of guarantee.
In its pure form, Glass is a transparent, relatively strong, hard-wearing, essentially inert, and biologically inactive material which can be formed with very smooth and impervious surfaces.
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