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Name  Winter. Borovsk town
Price, USD  1600.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  60.0 x 40.0 cm /switch
Artist  Nikolai ZAYTSEV
Year made  2004-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   Winter
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Old Russian towns
Golden names of Russia 3
Borovsk (Áîðîâñê in Russian) is a town in the Kaluga Oblast in Russia. It is located on the Protva River, 80 km southwest of Moscow. Population: 12,000 (1969).

Borovsk is known to have existed since the 13th century. The town belonged to the Ryazan princes and became a part of the Muscovy in the 14th century. In 1444, Borovsky Pafnutiev Monastery was founded near Borovsk. An archpriest Avvakum Petrovich and boyarynya Feodosiya Morozova were incarcerated in this monastery in the second half of the 17th century. In 1880-1891, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky lived and worked as a teacher in Borovsk (his apartment is now a museum).
Artworks devoted to the history znd to the architecture of Old Russian towns. The landscapes of these Old towns attract Russian artist and they come every year to work there.
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