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Name  Tverskoy boulevard
Price, USD  1300.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  75.0 x 65.0 cm /switch
Artist  Vladimir Kachanov
Year made  1991-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   Landscape
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Moscow/Moskva
This oldest of Moscow's boulevards was laid out in 1796 under the direction of the architect Karin. Silver birches were the first trees to be planted here, but they did not take root, and so for almost 200 years the wind has rustled through the heavy foliage of mighty lime trees. Immediately after it was laid out this picturesque boulevard became a favourite place for high society people to take their walks.

In October 1812 the boulevard's appearance was dramatically changed when French soldiers put up their tents here. They used the lamp posts to hang Muscovites whom they suspected of arson. Almost all the limes were cut down for firewood. After the French retreat, Tverskoi acquired some rivals, for new boulevards were laid out. All the same, it remained so much more popular than the others that people would often say simply 'the Boulevard,' and it was understood that thev were referring to Tverskoi.

In the reign of Nicholas I mulberry trees were planted on the boulevard, and they produce their leaves late. In spring the emperor came to visit Moscow and he went for an early morning stroll along the boulevard. He drew attention to the incomprehensible 'sticks' on the boulevard, and so Zakrevsky, the governor-general, ordered the fire brigade for the Tverskoi area to take up these trees that same night. The following morning he reported to the emperor: 'Your Highness, the Boulevard has been cleared of sticks!'

In the years before the revolution the boulevard and coffee house opposite where the Pushkin Theatre now stands were the favourite places for meetings of Moscow's artists.

At the beginning of the boulevard on 4 November 1923 a statue to the scientist K. Timiryazev was unveiled, sculpted by Merkurov and laid out by the architect Osipov. The scholar is depicted in the gown of Cambridge University where he was awarded an honorary doctorate. The granite pedestal is inscribed with 'the curve of plant physiology' which Timiryazev elucidated. In October 1941 the statue was overturned by a Fascist bomb, but after a few hours it was back in its place. Its lower half still bears the marks caused by bomb splinters.

In 1995 in the centre of the boulevard a statue by Bichugov was put up in memory of Sergei Yesenin.

On the left hand side at No. 11 there is a house built in the first half of the 19th century. From 1889 to 1928 it was the home of the great actress.M.Yermolova. Her father was the prompter at the Maly Theatre, and she learnt to read from the prompt copy of the plays. In 1862 her father enrolled her in the drama school on Neglinnaya Street. It was said of her first role. Emilia Galotti, on the stage of the Maly Theatre, that such a debut occurs only once in a hundred years. She played Joan of Arc and Man' Stuart in the tragedies of Schiller, and Katerina Kabanova and Larisa Ogudalova in Ostrovsky's plays. Her study was on the first floor with windows of violet glass. On 15 May 1970 the house was opened as a memorial museum.

On the opposite side. on the site of the new building of MKhAT (No.22). stood the house of A. Kologrivov, where long years ago extravagant balls were held. Praskovya Yurevna. the elderly lady of the house, was very keen on these entertainments, and she served Griboyedov as a model for his Tatyana Yurevna in Grief from Intellect - Such halls she gives - none could he richer - From Christincislide and on to Easter.

In her younger days she organised performances of Italian operas in her home. and took part herself as prima donna. Karamzin was a devoted admirer of her talent. It was in this house in 1829 at a ball of the renowned dancing master Yogel that Pushkin met the young beauty Natalia Goncharova for the first time. and fell head over heels in love with her. In two years she became his wife, in his general's uniform before a thronged hall, bearing Krekshina on his shoulders - she had won some kind of bet with him.

Lenorman, the famous Moscow fortune-teller, predicted that she would die in her bed at night, and so Krekshina would sleep in the daytime, and play preference throughout the day with her friends.

Having had this house built for herself on Tverskoi Boulevard, she nevertheless for some reason continued to live in her mansion on Povarskaya Street, and she let out the Tverskoi house in flats. She used the rooms of the elevated ground floor to hold art exhibitions. It was here that for the first time Moscow saw Flavitsky's painting Princess Tarakanova, which was brought specially from St. Petersburg. It was later bought by P. Tretyakov for his gallery.
Moscow - one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Its history and architecture attract thousands of foreign tourists each year.
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