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Name  Summer day in Tomsk
Price, USD  1100.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  80.0 x 60.0 cm /switch
Artist  Yuri Obidientov
Year made  1998-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   Landscape
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Old Russian towns
Tomsk was founded in 1604 by decree of the Russian tsar Boris who dictated "a place for the town to find where the countryside was very beautiful, clear the site and with the GodÂ’s mercy found a town on firm grounds".
The Kossaks chose to build the fortress, called Tomskoi ostrog, on the river bank rising above the Tom on the spur of the mountain, yet to be called Voskresenskaya (of the Resurrection) which was steep on the one side and protected by swampy bogs in the east and by a small river - Ushaika - in the south. In the north, the most dangerous direction, the Cossacks erected a fortress wall made of tall pillars sharpened on the top.

The new settlement was made on the lands of the Eushtin Tatar prince Toyan who took out Russian citizenship and promised to help the tsar Boris strengthen the Russian power in Siberia. The Tomsk fortress, according to historians, repeatedly pushed away the raids of the Kirgizs and other militant steppe nomads.

From the latter half of the 17th century, after the towns of Yeniseysk and Krasnoyarsk had been founded, the military-strategic influence of Tomsk tended to wane. Tomsk became a peaceful town and at different times was included in the Yeniseyskaya Province and the Tobolskaya Gubernia.

In 1804, when Tomsk became an administrative center of the Gubernia, a new leaf in its history was turned. The Tomsk Gubernia occupied a huge area, including the present Altai Territory, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, East-Kazakhstan and Tomsk Oblasts and part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Growth of the town was especially booming in the 30s of the 19th century when gold was found and its intensive mining started in the Tomsk and Yeniseysk Gubernias.

Notwithstanding the fast economic development, an increase in the population was virtually due to exiles - counting out 30 thousand men and over 7 thousand women. Every fifth resident of Tomsk and its neighborhood was an exile.

The most outstanding personality among the Tomsk political exiles of the time was G.S.Batenkov. He was born in the town of Tobolsk. In the war of 1912 he showed uncommon valor and eventually became a lieutenant-colonel. In Petersburg Gavriil Batenkov joined the "Northern Society" of Decembrists. After the arrest and imprisonment in the Petropavlovskaya Fortress he was exiled to Tomsk and lived there for 10 years.

In 1880 the foundation of the Siberian University was laid. The architectural design of the main building was done by the Moscow architect academician A.K.Brunee. The accumulation of the University Library was started even earlier. Count A.G.Stroganoff, a descendant of an old dynasty of Russian industrialists, granted a handsome collection of books to the future University.

Eight years later, in 1888, Emperor Alexander III "by his sovereign will" opened the Tomsk University, the first in Siberia. In its early history the University had only the department of medicine which enrolled 72 undergraduates and 2 freelance students. A great contribution to establishing the University was made by the outstanding Russian scholar V.M.Florinsky. The year 1900 saw the opening of the first Technological Institute in the Asian part of Russia (now the Polytechnical University). And years later the Pedagogical, Medical and Civil Engineering Institutes were founded.

Early in the 19th century Tomsk ranked first in Siberia in the number of educational establishments. The cultural life of the town was boisterous. Four newspapers were published. A brick building of the theater was erected. In the encyclopedia of F.Brockhaus and I.Efron mention was made of the fact that Tomsk had gone ahead of all other Siberian towns as a cultural, commercial and industrial center.

Tomsk supplied cereals, fish, salt, wine, fat, copper, wax and leather to the neighbor gubernias. Cedar-pine nuts and furs were supplied to the western part of Russia and went for export. The Tomsk Gubernia was the main producer of butter, contributing 60% of the butter exports of Russia. The Siberian butter was quite competitive with the best brands of high-quality Danish and Dutch butter.

In the 90s of the 19th century the Siberian railroad was built. It ran to the south of Tomsk, bypassing woodland and swampy terrain. A branch line connected Tomsk with the main road in 1896. That seemingly minor event turned out to be of great importance for the development of the settlement of Novo-Nikolaevsk (now known as Novosibirsk) which became the main railway junction in the Tomsk Gubernia. Being away from the main road, Tomsk came to yield to other Siberian towns in the pace of economic development.

After the revolution of 1917 Tomsk became part of the Siberian Territory and later of the West-Siberian Territory. In 1937 Tomsk and its nearby neighbors became part of the Novosibirsk Oblast. Historians are agreed that Tomsk lost ample opportunities for cultural and economic growth due to its status of a subordinate town in the pre-war period.

As far back as 1932 Ilya Erenburg wrote that the lot of different towns could be readily judged by railroad stations: it was suffice to see what kind of bread the local people ate. In Tomsk it was brown, soggy and heavy: the five-year-plan did not have any effect on the town, and it was dying. However, the famous writer further added that Tomsk could have died but for the University. Shortly before the Great Patriotic war Tomsk won fame as a town of science and schools of higher learning, where every twelfth resident was a student.

Within the first year of the war 30 enterprises were evacuated to Tomsk. They laid the foundation for the industrial growth of the city. By the end of the war the industrial output was trebled. New branches of industry, such as electrical engineering, optomechanics and rubber engineering, were developed and machine building and metalworking as well as light and food industries expanded.

In August, 1944 an order was issued which decreed the formation of the Tomsk Oblast, since by that time Tomsk had regained its status of a big economic and administrative center in Siberia.

The post-war development of the Tomsk Oblast is in many ways connected with exploration and commercial development of oil and gas deposits. The first commercial oil influx occurred in the August of 1962 at the Sosninskoye oil field near the settlement of Alexandrovskoye. In 1966 the Oil Field Management Agency TOMSKNEFT was established. In succeeding years the Alexandrovskoye-Anzhero-Sudzhensk oil pipeline and the Nizhnevartovsk-Parabel-Kuzbass cross-country gas line were built and bridges across the rivers Ob and Tom were constructed.
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