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Price, USD  Contact Seller / Artist
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  65.0 x 50.0 cm /switch
Year made  2002-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   History
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Golden names of Russia 3
History of Russia
St. Petersburg is an exciting city, which has to offer more than simply the Hermitage Museum and the Kirov Ballet of the Mariinsky Theater. Officially proclaimed the "Cultural Capital of Russia" St. Petersburg is a place, where you need weeks just to see all its major landmarks.

St. Petersburg, Russia is a relatively new city, founded in 1703. When it was nine years old it became the capital of Russia and retained this status till 1918. Even now it is referred to as the "Northern capital" of Russia. Over almost 300 years of its history St. Petersburg accumulated all the grandeur of the Russian Imperial Court and became one of the largest centers of culture, science and industry. Created by Peter the Great as a sea port on the Baltic it was essentially "a window to the West" for Russia, combining the best of the West and the East.
The collection of works made by hands of the best Russian artists.
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