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Name  B105 - WHEN RA, ISIS AND HORUS...2009
Price, USD  6850.00
Status  For sale, available
Size, cm  85.0 x 127.0 cm /switch
Artist  PHILHELM Philhelm
Edition  Original
Style   Modern
Figurative Art
Theme   History
Media   Acrylic
Collection   BABYLONIAN
Acrylic on canvas - bent frame - 127 x 85 cm - 50 x 33,4 inches.
BABYLONIAN / (Translated by GOOGLE) / If we find these Egyptian gods in a Phoenician boat (= approximately Phoenicia Lebanon today) it's because around 1800 BC, Egypt seized the Phoenicia it conserved in a protectorate until 1400 BC. But Phoenicia was not truly independent of Egypt in 1100 BC Their gods accompanied them to the point that at least two kings Sidonian (Eshmounazor II and Tabnit) became mummified sarcophagi imported into Egypt with the original hieroglyphic inscriptions and their own Phoenician writing, without forgetting the amulets Egyptian scarabs and some with the cartouche of Ramses II. But many others in the Egyptian sarcophagi were found, but they were mostly imported from Greece.
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Its origin comes from a scarab of green jasper carved 13 x 11mm, No. 1962 19758 surveyed at the Museum of Geneva. It dates from the fifth century BC It is considered a centerpiece of the engraved gems Phoenician. We see three famous people in positions that fully identify Egyptian mythology, namely Isis with her son Horus, which she lent her breast and "kissing" with one hand and is wearing a sun disk supported by cow horns. She is wearing a tight dress decorated with gold bands or strips which enclose in crossed lines. She is sitting on a chair surmounted by a lamp topped by a flame (his name in hieroglyphics Iset means "seat") and one can imagine that the stool below is for the child Horus. In the face of Isis, RA, surmounted by the solar disk, wearing a short dress decorated with golden rims. His hand lowered, it is the rod whose end has the appearance of a stylized greyhound. The shape of the boat evokes the moon, suggesting the bipolarity of the world. But the unexpected is Mehen snake guard present and into the boat and space changing the water, sky and the underworld.
A couple of fish crosses over marine plants unidentified, and final in the lower right corner: the egg that bathes the monogram of your living artist!
Isis: Mother Goddess protector and savior of the Egyptian mythology. According to the myth, she raised the child Horus, the son whom she had with her brother Osiris. It is equated with Hathor, because of its function of feeding and recovering the Christians as the Virgin Mary suckling Jesus. It is also a magician who favors the resurrection of the dead.
Horus (Hor in Egyptian name = the distance), the god of sky and sun, protector of the pharaohs (Horus during 3000 was the first name of the royal title) He sees through the sun and moon. There are two representations of Horus, the child's traditional with his mother Isis, then the adult with a falcon's head, a double ring with snake and a bull's tail, a cross and the ankh scepter .
RA (or RE) the Sun God: creator, is the most important god of Egypt. It has some similarities with Horus adult with whom he should not be confused. The day RA through the sky on his solar boat at night, the sun travels in his boat to the underworld of the dead. He is accompanied by deities who defend against their enemy, the serpent Apophis, who is trying to destroy each night: every sunrise is a victory won by RA on the forces of darkness.
( Memo: RA and RE are written with a circumflex accent! )
Babylonia was an ancient cultural region in central-southern Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq...
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