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Name  Subtle Spawns
Price, USD  35.00
Status  For sale, available
Size, cm  12.7 x 17.8 cm /switch
Artist  Kelly Billette
Year made  2010-04-03
Edition  Original
Style   Abstract Expressionism
Theme   All Theme
Media   Painting
Collection   Mindstream Series
Original Abstract Expressionist Contemporary Painting

Original Abstract Expressionist Contemporary painting on 5" x 7" premium canvas panel. Shipping insurance is included in shipping cost. Created with high quality acrylic artist paints. Signed on back. Please feel free to inquire! Free Shipping.

Title: Subtle Spawns

About Me: I am not an "Outsider" or Self Taught" artist. I am formally educated in the fine arts though I chose to reject my education. I am basically egalitarian at heart . My works evolve, move upward as spirit- as all things that evolve and spiritually move toward completeness and peace.

I am what can be roughly classified as an abstract expressionist. Specifically, the art process for me is honest, direct, rigorous and full of energy. I always fully open each work to destruction. This invites excitement. I see it as a mimicking of what brought us to consciousness. My work is intuitive and visceral. I do not intentionally rework or perfect anything. The first response is always the most credible and most tell-tale. What emerges is a very ordered chaos. A visual contradiction. One might apply this to life. What seems chaotic is very much in order.

Previously represented by Agora Gallery, New York, NY
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