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Name  Stormy Skies Necklace
Price, USD  95.00
Status  For sale, available
Size, cm  0.5 x 55.9 cm /switch
Artist  Moyra Riley
Year made  2008-06-05
Edition  Original
Style   Contemporary
Theme   Weather
Media   Stone
Collection   Wire Wrapping
This 22 inch necklace consists of sensuous sponge coral rectangular beads interspersed with Ugandan paper beads and hammered sterling silver links. Two strands are connected asymetrically and culminate in a beautiful coordinating lampworked bead. Wire wrapping with twisted sterling wire and a handcrafted hook and eye clasp round out the look.

The paper beads, crafted by women in Uganda, are really something. Thin strips of newsprint are painstakingly wrapped around and around until the bead is formed. The print can sometimes be see on the edges of the layers when you look closely.
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