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Name  In the Mountains
Price, USD  300.00
Status  For sale, check
Size, cm  26.9 x 23.9 cm /switch
Artist  Baoxiong Jia
Edition  Original
Style   Expressionism
Theme   Architecture
Media   Painting
Mineral painting

Way Back Home

It's getting dark
in the mountains
and very quiet
all around
A few scattered lights
flickered above
the farmer
returning home
Waving to him in the wind
was a wisp of smoke
with the smell of
burning dung and firewood
Echoing in the mountains
was his wife's voice
up and down
calling to dinner the naughty boy
too fond of playing outside
The farmer was said
to be my great grandpa
whose child went to study
somewhere afar
and whose grandchildren
went even farther
They could never
find their way
back home.
Here is the list of quite similar items to the current piece of art. It combines: Expressionism style; Nature theme; Painting media;
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