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Name  Venetian vase, murano glass, original masterpiece by top-master ROSIN Dino, Venice Murano
Price, USD  12500.00
Status  For sale, available
Size, cm  20.0 x 52.0 cm /switch
Artist  Mariya Averkina
Year made  1991-12-12
Edition  Original
Style   Figurative Art
Theme   Fantasy
Media   Glass
This vase is created in the traditional venetian art glass style. It is the part of collection of the top murano master Dino Rosin (DINO ROSIN ARTE STUDIO s.r.l.).

Dino Rosin was born in Venice, Italy on May 30, 1948. His family moved to the glassmaking island of Murano when he was only two months old. At the age of twelve, he left school and began work as an apprentice at the Barovier and Toso glass factory where he remained until he joined his brothers, Loredano and Mirko, at their factory, Artvet, in 1963. Dino continued to work at Artvet until 1975 when he moved to Loredano's newly established studio as his assistant. There Dino collaborated with his brother for almost 20 years. He was Loredano's right hand in the "piazza" and a master in his own right in cold work. In 1988, Dino Rosin was invited to Pilchuck Glass School in the state of Washington to teach solid freehand glass sculpture with Loredano and the American glass artist, William Morris. Then in 1992, Loredano met an untimely death in a boating accident. Dino assumed the role of "maestro" and began single-handedly to produce his brother's old designs and ultimately his own.His skillful use of "calcedonia" glass is unique and makes his pieces recognizable and highly collectable.Dino Rosin uses the ancient technique of "calcedonia" coloration for his glass works of art. Each sculpture has its own unique coloration, not to be duplicated. Colors range from bright yellows to deep purples,varying on the metals used, temperature and duration of the glass in the furnace. There are many styles to choose from but no two are ever identical. In Dino Rosin's works, the designs are similar but colors will always vary. Dino Rosin's work is shown in many galleries throughout the United States. His first personal appearance tour in America in 1993 was a great success and he has continued to visit galleries to much acclaim. He has made several gallery appearances through the States, culminating in a one-man show at the prestigious Corning Museum in Corning, New York.

Dino Rosin is a true "Maestro" from the celebrated glass art island of Murano, Italy. Rosin continues his family's tradition of glass blowing that dates back generations. Presented vase is a stunning example of this world famous artist's skill and lineage, with a combination of clear and "Calcedonia" glass, a lost art rediscovered by Loredano Rosin, Dino's predecessor and older brother. Rosin's studio produces the clearest and most colorful Calcedonia glass in the world. Impossible to duplicate, each piece is completely unique in its color.

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