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First Name Hildegarde
Last Name Handsaeme
Born 1958-03-17
Country Belgium


art from hildegarde handsaeme

Hildegarde's work presents such an original form and content that it is difficult to classify her in a painting school or to compare her to an eventual equal painter. Only gifted artists succeed to be independent from the start and grow gradually to a recognisable style. This is utterly rare. As a red thread Hildegarde's personality runs through her works which show us a very characteristic world. She seems to know always what she does and why and she leaves nothing to fate. Her work is as she meant it and what she means she gets by her own way from background into focus so one can say without looking at her signature that her personality is clearly there. Her work is very personal and shows that art in se has no boundaries, is not subject to strict laws, is unseizable and difficult to put into words.
Hildegarde Handsaeme - Monicadreef 12 - 3090 OVERIJSE - GSM 0476/413.994
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art from hildegarde handsaeme
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