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First Name Herb
Last Name Booth
Born 1961-02-07
Country United States

Herb Booth's career, as a photographer, began in the spring of 1975 when he was home sick from school and bored.  Rummaging through a cupboard, he found an old camera his father had received when stationed in Wiesbaden, Germany.  For Booth, the camera was a tangible link to the past and to the father he never had the chance to know, as he died in Vietnam when Herb was 18 months old. Intrigued by his discovery, Booth took the camera to a local camera store where the clerk explained the purpose of all the knobs and numbers.  He was given his first roll of black and white film and Herb Booth's passion for photography was born.

He began to develop his talent, photographing his junior high classmates and later went on to earn an A.S. degree in photography from Daytona Beach College.  He studied under the tutelage of Richard Turner, known for his technical lighting. Today, Herb Booth looks to the art of Escher and Dali for inspiration, as well as the photography of Jerry Uelsmann and Annie Leibovitz.

Herb eventually established his own commercial photography studio, located in Sarasota, Fl.  He particularly enjoys projects that challenge his skills, such as creating portraits and full body photographs.  It is in this arena that Booth excels with his mastery of light, form, and contrast.  The female figure has become a trademark and a source of artistic inspiration and creative expression.  

Different textures create different visual effects, and he uses these to the maximum effect in his photos---combining swirls of sheer fabric against wet skin, shooting a multitude of water droplets to mirror the main image or focusing on the contours and skin patterns to create a kind of landscape.

Herb Booth states, “I try to bring out a different mood in each photograph, sometimes using soft light and smooth lines, other times with bright colors. My favorite photos are those that have a twist on reality and a touch of the surreal." 

A style of art which seeks its inspiration from commercial art and items of mass culture (such as comic strips, popular foods and brand name packaging). Pop art was first developed in New York City in the 1950's and soon became the dominant avant-garde art form in the United States.
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Body Forms
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