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First Name Nicla
Last Name Rossini
Country Italy

Artist and poet with international publications since the age of 16, her art focuses on the themes of precariousness and incommunicability.


"Nicla Rossini, is a sensible interpreter oflight values of contemporary art and capable of enquiring with her inner look the abyss of human thought" (Sabrina Falzone, art critic)


"Out of the listless light emerge the delicate landscapes executed by Nicla Rossini, eclectic painter and poet, who, through her unusual use or the cromatic spectrum succeeds in transmitting a sense of universal solitude, while underlining the impossibility of communication" (Sabrina Falzone, art critic)


Art exhibitions and publications (selection)

1993: Poems published in the journal Pneumatyke Zoe (Spiritual Life), Athens.

1997: Poems published in Scrittori Italiani del Secondo Dopoguerra. La POESIA CONTEMPORANEA. Prefazione di Bruno Maier. Guido Miano: Milano.

2010 exhibition at Climate Gallery, New York City

2010 Paintings selected for exhibition at Carrousel du Louvre, Paris.

2010 exhibition at the GalleriaIl Borgo, Milan

2010 exhibition at Spoleto's Festival of the Two Worlds

2011 exhibition at the Salon International des Artes Plastiques, Beziers, France 

2011 solo exhibition within the art happening "150 e oltre", Vinovo (Turin), September 9th-19th

2011 paintings selected for the international exhibition "Bologna in arte", December 3rd 10th 2011.


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Chinese ink
by Rossini
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Diagonal cut
by Rossini
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Morning by the Lake
by Rossini
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