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First Name allan
Last Name reynolds
Born 1945-12-30
Country United States

Allan Reynolds comes from an urban background in Texas .  On moving to the Bay area in California in 1967 and participating  in  the vibrant Haight Ashbury music and art scene began writing, sketching and visiting various museums in the Bay area.  Later after a move to Seattle Washington in 1972 he  attended Cornish School of the Arts from 1972 to 1974.  Here he inadvertently began drawing from the figure taking an art history class and instead of a slide lab students were placed in advanced figure drawing.  In 1974 he moved to Texas again for family reasons and attended art school at the University of Texas obtaining a Fine Arts degree with high honors  in painting. After graduation he moved to San Francisco where he resides today.  In San Franciso Allan took numerous post grad classes and workshops from the San Francisco Art Institute.  While strongly admiring the Bay Area Figurative work he worked to develop a style that included both historical,modern, and musical elements.  “My interest was to develop my style in such a way to reflect a musical sensibility and theory”.  Having been for many years a jazz musician he found the fauvist style closet to improvisational jazz  stating a simple melody and then expanding the soundscape into an improvisation based on the original  harmonies, color tones are expanded to pure color and the brush strokes become notes of pure color all resolving in an overall harmony relaxing the spirit and  bringing a sense of inner peace and beauty for the viewer.   “  I have worked to develop a style of drawing and painting that reflects my own interests but also gives respect to the masters of painting and the lineage of painting that has developed through history culminating in the work of Matisse and Picasso in the early 20th century   Home page :

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Still life is a pictorial representation of inanimate objects.
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green heart
by reynolds
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view from the bridge 1
by reynolds
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