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First Name Ivan
Last Name Slavkov
Born 1951-11-18
Country Bulgaria

I like the powerful magic of color. Color is my personal tool, which I use to share my joys, loves and passions. My art style is romantic, a style of fairy tales, mythology and fantasy. I sell my artwork in Bulgaria and abroad - USA, Germany, Israel, etc.  


An art style developed in the late 19th century characterized by the incorporation of symb...
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An art movement founded in France in the last third of the 19th century. Impressionist art...
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Art in which recognizable figures or objects are portrayed.
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Design style prevalent during the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by a sleek use of straigh...
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An art style which emphasizes the personal, emotional and dramatic through the use of exot...
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A 20th century style of painting in which nonrepresentational lines, colors, shapes, and forms replace accurate visual depiction of objects, landscape, and figures. The subjects often stylized, blurred, repeated or broken down into basic forms so that it becomes unrecognizable. Intangible subjects such as thoughts, emotions, and time are often expressed in abstract art form.
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An art movement of the early 20th century in which traditional adherence to realism and pr...
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A decorative art movement that emerged in the late nineteenth century. Characterized by de...
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Magic Realism is deeply rooted in everyday reality, but has overtones of fantasy or wonder...
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The main features of postmodern style are nostalgia and retro, recycling earlier genres an...
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