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First Name tina
Last Name melhus
Born 1956-04-26
Country United States
Service commission art
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I have been involved in art from a early age whether it was drawing or painting when I was older.I studied art when I was in school I havent been to any art college I have basically self taught my self through workshops and study and just playing around with color and mediums also through photography. I am currently displaying in the open studios in Williams az. also am marketing my art in different gift shops in the area and in Seligman az. I think you will find out I have grown and matured in my art I have been out of commission for a while but I am back.
An art movement of the early 20th century in which traditional adherence to realism and pr...
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An art movement founded in France in the last third of the 19th century. Impressionist art...
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Design style prevalent during the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by a sleek use of straigh...
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An art style developed in Europe in the 1920's, characterized by using the subconscious as...
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Movement in painting, originating in New York City in the 1940s. It emphasized spontaneous...
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A style of art which seeks its inspiration from commercial art and items of mass culture (...
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An art style developed in the late 19th century characterized by the incorporation of symbols and ideas, usually spiritual or mystical in nature, which represent the inner life of people. Traditional modeled, pictorial depictions are replaced or contrasted by flat mosiac-like surfaces decoratively embellished with figures and design elements.
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Artwork that purports to represent what is seen; also called objective art.
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A style of painting which depicts subject matter (form, color, space) as it appears in act...
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Referring to the principles of Greek and Roman art of antiquity with the emphasis on harmo...
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There is no single well defined style of PostImpressionism, but in general it is less casu...
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An art style which emphasizes the personal, emotional and dramatic through the use of exot...
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Meaning "rebirth" in French. Refers to Europe c. 1400-1600. Renaissance art which began in...
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