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First Name Mark
Last Name Nash
Born 1956-11-08
Country United States

Mark Nash is a popular commercial artist based in Chicago. His works are featured at the Morning Glory Gallery at the Marcus Arts Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the Gallery at Lake Shore House in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Drawing since he was a child, his artwork covers many image types and is known by commercial and residential collectors as innovative and timeless.

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An art style developed in 1908 by Picasso and Braque whereby the artist breaks down the na...
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1900-1949 van Gogh, Monet
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Movement in painting, originating in New York City in the 1940s. It emphasized spontaneous...
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A style of art which seeks its inspiration from commercial art and items of mass culture (...
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An art style developed in Europe in the 1920's, characterized by using the subconscious as...
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An art style developed in the late 19th century characterized by the incorporation of symb...
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Harvest Cow
by Nash
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by Nash
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Artwork that purports to represent what is seen; also called objective art.
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Traditional representations, usually bound by conventions in both form and content, of a f...
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The main features of postmodern style are nostalgia and retro, recycling earlier genres an...
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An art movement of the early 20th century in which traditional adherence to realism and pr...
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Design style prevalent during the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by a sleek use of straigh...
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A decorative art movement that emerged in the late nineteenth century. Characterized by de...
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Lyrical Realism is a form of realism focusing specifically on lyrical themes in art
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Social Realism is a form of naturalistic realism focusing specifically on social problems ...
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Referring to the principles of Greek and Roman art of antiquity with the emphasis on harmo...
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