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First Name Andreia-Elena
Last Name Anucuta
Born 1984-08-18
Country Finland
I was born in Timisoara, Romania, 24 years ago. I was blessed with an awesome family, where the words love, respect and thinking were making the law. Both of my parents are psychologists, so they gave me the best education they could.
Last year I graduated the Psychology University of Timisoara. I got to admire and love the human being, life itself. There is so much power inside us! The call of painting appeared not long after the graduation, when, with the thirst to create I bought my first canvas and started to give birth to colors and forms. I paint what I am. I paint what I feel. I paint out of passion and desire.
Everything inspires me...the sky, the earth, the water, the humans, their senses and thoughts, the fire, the music. They all inspire me in the most interesting, curious ways. I always keep both mind and heart opened to new, to beautiful, to attractive. Of course, other painters and paintings inspire me just as much. Picasso for his madness and thinking, Modigliani for his passion, Van Gogh for his believes, Rivera for the pure beauty, Renoir for his power, and many many more.
I started to paint last year, in the season of the fall, when I felt that I need to do something to save my dreams, to stop being ordinary, to create shades and forms out of colors. To give a new sense to my small world, limited by time. But I still have hopes, and dreams, I still have wings that allow me to fly, and I will not stop believing that art, painting makes the world more beautiful, they give a new sense and orientation to everything.
Not long ago I moved in Finland, wishing to find new walls to break, new horizons to touch. And so I did! Here I am, presenting my first paintings and drawings, presenting my life, my creation, myself.
I will conclude my presentation with a few lines I wrote about painting in 18 February 2009:

" Painting gives you the power to move the mountains on a small piece of paper, to challenge the eternity and to consider time the most ironical limit of your thinking. The world suddenly seems smaller and you see its true colors, its beauty, and God, there is so much beauty in this world! The sky gets closer so you can touch it, so you can take a part of it and hide it in your soul and the people, well, the people never seemed to be so much interesting, you see the story behind their eyes, the joy and sadness of living. The creation of every painting seems to be the birth of live itself, but different all the time, in the most curious way, colors change in the eyes of the creator as the feelings and ways of view change. Painting means being alive, giving and taking life, the power to move the world on a small piece of paper."

"The most seductive thing about art is the personality of the artist himself." Paul Cezanne
An art style developed in the late 19th century characterized by the incorporation of symb...
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An art movement of the early 20th century in which traditional adherence to realism and proportion was replaced by the artist's emotional connection to the subject. These paintings are often abstract, the subject matter distorted in color and form to emphasize and express the intense emotion of the artist.
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The Fall
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Still Life- About Simplicity
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by Anucuta
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by Anucuta
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A style of painting which depicts subject matter (form, color, space) as it appears in act...
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A 20th century style of painting in which nonrepresentational lines, colors, shapes, and f...
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Movement in painting, originating in New York City in the 1940s. It emphasized spontaneous...
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Art in which recognizable figures or objects are portrayed.
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An art style developed in 1908 by Picasso and Braque whereby the artist breaks down the na...
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1900-1949 van Gogh, Monet
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Social Realism is a form of naturalistic realism focusing specifically on social problems ...
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An art style which emphasizes the personal, emotional and dramatic through the use of exot...
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