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First Name Anil
Last Name Nene
Born 1958-05-16
Country India
After graduating from Sir J. J. College of Architecture, in Bombay, India, in 1980, Anil started his own practice and settled in architecture. His basic desire to excel in art was evident in all his expressions. However, he still needed another outlet to express himself freely, irrespective of the daunting limitations of architecture like; costs, individual needs, technology, government rules and regulations, etc.

Trying new things in art, Anil enabled himself to touch unexplored heights of his imagination. In all his work, he loved to search and explore nature. He also tried some digital art and he has worked in various mediums. But he finally found a sincere love for watercolor art.

Painting allows Anil to touch the subject of his paintings, on a different metaphysical plane. He loves watercolors for their spontaneity, lucidity, transparency and happy accidents. For him, the challenge begins with selecting what his subject is going to be. Along with the different compositions and so many other aspects that help create a good painting.

He admires his gurus, the late Mr. Pratap Mulick and Mr. Milind Mulick. Under their able guidance, he continues to paint.

He has exhibited his works in several group and solo shows in India.
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by Nene
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