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First Name John
Last Name Alcock
Born 1950-07-26
Country Australia

NO COMPUTERS WERE USED IN THE CREATION OF THESE WORKS I was born in a small county town in the Mallee region of Victoria,in 1950.At an early age my interest the arts was shaped by my parents interest in the arts .My fathers had a great love of the French Impressionists and post impressionists.I was fascinated by there use of colour to create an illusion of shape and depth as in these artists[Van Gogh ,Monet ,Manet,etc, ]. later i was influenced by Piet Mondrian with his use of pure colour in a controlled and disciplined manner.i was impressed by his balance and harmony ,with his simple use of colour and basic shapes.I am now working as an ENVIRONMENTAL EXPRESSIONIST.these days i try work clean free of outside influences ,take my inspiiration from both nature and human nature. Good art is window to the soul of the artist,a reflection of the true inner self .It should reflect or be a reflection of community standards.For the observer good art should touch the soul and reflect on ones values. find me at

An art style developed in the late 19th century characterized by the incorporation of symb...
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fire down to the creek
by Alcock
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fragmention of time
by Alcock
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native frangi pani
by Alcock
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high country no2
by Alcock
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Movement in painting, originating in New York City in the 1940s. It emphasized spontaneous...
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An art style developed in Europe in the 1920's, characterized by using the subconscious as...
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A 20th century style of painting in which nonrepresentational lines, colors, shapes, and f...
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Lyrical Realism is a form of realism focusing specifically on lyrical themes in art
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An art movement founded in France in the last third of the 19th century. Impressionist art...
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Artwork that purports to represent what is seen; also called objective art.
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The main features of postmodern style are nostalgia and retro, recycling earlier genres an...
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1900-1949 van Gogh, Monet
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There is no single well defined style of PostImpressionism, but in general it is less casu...
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Magic Realism is deeply rooted in everyday reality, but has overtones of fantasy or wonder...
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Social Realism is a form of naturalistic realism focusing specifically on social problems ...
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A style of painting which depicts subject matter (form, color, space) as it appears in act...
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An art style which emphasizes the personal, emotional and dramatic through the use of exot...
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A movement in European painting in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, charact...
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