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First Name Ruxandra
Last Name Papa
Country Romania

Name: Ruxandra, Papa

Birth place: Bucharest, Romania.

Member - Romanian Professional Artists Association


1981-1985-completed university studies at the "Nicolae Grigorescu" Academy of Fine Arts in Bucharest, as Master of Fine Arts, with three majors in Painting (Monumental Art), Conservation-Restoration and Art Teaching.

1985-1986 -Restoration course - canvas painting - Culture Ministry

1985-1986 - Restoration course - canvas painting - National Art Museum, Bucharest, Romania

1995 - Restoration and preservation course - painting on wood - J. Paul Getty Museum Malibu, California.

Distinctions and Prizes

1988 Honorable Prize - Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Canada

1989 - First Prize- International Art Exhibition of Miniature, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Canada

1990 - Prize - International Exhibition Maison Laffite, France

1995 - Honorable Prize, "Del Bello" Gallery, Canada.

Group Exhibitions

1983, 1985, 1986 - Exhibition,
National Art Museum, Bucharest,
1986, 1988 - Biennial of painting and
sculpture, Dalles Hall, Bucharest,
1987-Exhibition "ThePortrait", "Caminul
Artei" Gallery, Bucharest
1988-Exhibition "The
Landscape", "Caminul Artei"
Gallery, Bucharest
1988, 1989 - International Art
Exhibition of Miniature, Metro
Toronto Convention Centre, Canada
1990 -International painting
exhibition, Maison Laffite, France
1992 -Exhibition, National Art Museum,
Bucharest, Romania
1992 -International Art Exhibition of
Miniature, "Del Bello" Gallery,
Toronto, Canada
1994 -Memory Exhibition "Nichita
Stanescu", Ploiesti, Romania
1994, 1995 - Exhibition, National
Theatre Bucharest, Romania
1995 -Spring exhibition , Central Army
House, Bucharest, Romania
1995 -International Art Exhibition of
Miniature, "Del Bello"
Gallery, Toronto, Canada
1995 -Exhibition "Brabantse Dag",
Heeze, Holland
1995 -Painting Exhibition, World Trade
Center, Bucharest, Romania
1996 -Painting Exhibition, Exhibition
Hall, Internal Ministry
1998 -Exhibition, National Theatre,
Bucharest, Romania

2012- Group Exhibition Apollo Gallery

2014- Biennial of painting and sculpture Buzau Romania

2014- Group Exhibition Mignon Gallery Bucharest

Solo Exhibitions

1988 - "G.A.M.B.", Bucharest, Romania
1994 - "G.A.M.B.", Bucharest, Romania
1996 - "Deutsches Museum" Munchen,
1996 - "Gijzenroi" Gallery, Geldrop,
1997 - "Danish Power Consult" Art Club,
Copenhaga, Denmark
2000 - "CCA" Gallery, Bucharest
2006- Caminul Artei Gallery Bucharest
2006- Galateca Gallery Buchrest 

2009  "Royal Gallery" Ferdinand Hall Sinaia, Romania

2012- Scit Art Gallery

2014- Elitte Art gallery

Works in private collections: Romania, Germany, U.S.A., Denmark, Japan, Canada, Italy, Ecuador, France, United Kingdom, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Holland.

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