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First Name Necile, Dinc
Last Name Alev
Country United States
Alev's Bio

Mrs. Necile Dinc, Alev studied painting and fashion design at the Institute of Technology in Europe. After immigrating to the United States, she continued her education at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC studying textile design, and the Ridgewood Art Institute in New Jersey, studying advertising design.

She started working at an international design studio in Paterson, NJ, and since then has been working in New York's textile industry for leading corporations and studios. Mrs. Alev designs fabrics, both commercial and residential. Her wide range of styles includes paisleys, floral, Jacobean, and Conversational. She has designed women’s apparel and home and tabletop fashions, upholstery, bed ensembles, drapery, wallpapers, shower curtains, and bath fashions. Some of her designs have been featured in Sear's line of home fashions, as well as Macy's, Wal-Mart, and Kmart. She has also designed interiors for Coachman Camp Trailers, and her wallpaper designs appear at the Golden Nugget Casino Hotel in Las Vegas and the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Her contract designs have sold in Spain, Canada, England, and Hong Kong.

Besides being a fabric designer, Alev is a renowned surrealist painter. Her works of art have been described as transforming the viewer to a mystical world of beauty and fantasy, where everything has a fluid motion. Her creativity and craftsmanship combine to create dynamic compositions of amazing depth and expression, which are at once intriguing, and disarming. The artist extends an invitation to enter into her private dreamscape where ethereal creatures celebrate their existence in vibrant colors, derived from her Turkish background, and heartfelt vision.

She has displayed her work in many solo exhibits and has participated in numerous group exhibitions in Europe and the United States, including The Paterson Museum in New Jersey, The Peace Museum in Detroit, The Musavi Arts Center in NYC, National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C., The Nabisco Gallery in Fairlawn, NJ, Lambert Castle Museum in Paterson, NJ, The Innsbruck Austria Turkish House in NYC, as well as the Hamilton House Museum in Clifton, NJ. Her works are also included in several corporate and privately owned collections. Her art has been reviewed in many publications and she has had multiple television appearances. Mrs. Alev’s poetry also reflects the same captivating spirit as her art.
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"Leaf Bird"
by Alev
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