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First Name Olga
Last Name Severnaya
Country Russia
Featuring more interesting information about Olga Severnaya and her art in some weeks time.
Severnaya Olga Andreevna was born in Moscow. She graduated from Moscow State Lomonosov's university as specialist of culture.
She is a member of the federation of international Art Fund "Water-Colour Painting" and of the section of Creative Union of the artists of Russia. He is also member of the art association "Spring", which is situated in the South-East of Moscow.
She is director-curator of memorial museum of academician in the Crimea.
She has been a constant participant of collective art exhibitions since 1997 (more than 40 of the Federation "Water-Colour Painting", association "Spring" and of publishing house "our icon-painter" and etc.
In 2002 and 2004 she participated in International Biennale IV and V of chamber water-colour of the Crimea (Simferopol).
She masters the art of water painting, tempera, pastel, oil, collage and art photography. More than 30 of her works are published in different art editions.
Her pictures can be found in private collections in Russia, at the Crimea, in Bulgaria, Denmark, in the USA, Argentina and Japan.
Her contact numbers:
Moscow 095-124-8461
Crimea 06554-71350
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