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First Name Carlene
Last Name Lavender
Born 1963-09-06
Country Australia

BORN: Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia
TRIBE: Arabana/ Central Arunta
DREAMING: Water Dreaming

Growing up in Central Australia was a lot of fun; there was so much to do and so much to learn. As a child I would often listen to my grandfathers knowledge of his law, life and culture. He always showed me little things when he took us out in the bush, like tracks and what made them, stories of the animals we would see. From this early time in my life developed my own unique art style. I love Australian animals and colour, and that is where my interest in art lies. We are blessed to have so many beautiful animals, so in my own way, this is MY way of sharing these animals with the world. Because I have travelled and lived in many other places, I have seen many other Australian native animals.

I was born in Alice Springs, as were my mother, grandfather etc. My interest in art began as a small child. I loved to draw and have all my life; it has been only in the last seven years of my life that I have painted, which I truly enjoy. My mother encouraged me to paint; she is an artist in her own rite and has been for quite a while.

My Grandfather (Poppa as we called him) was a wise and interesting man and I will always cherish the times spent with him and the things that he taught me. Poppas Oldest brother Uncle Walter was another source of information for me, he would come to see Poppa and they would sit for hours under the Cedar tree, and laugh and talk about times in their past. Uncle Walter has a book Written about his life (The Man from Arltunga) He was the last fully initiated lawman of the Eastern Arunta people. Uncle Walter was a sweet and gentle man who always had time to tell you a little story.

I have exhibited work in quite a few places in Australia eg: Texas, Brisbane, Warwick, Emu Park, Inverell, Maryborough, Canberra, Cleveland, Sydney and Inglewood. In this time I have sold many works both here in Australia and overseas eg: (Australia) Brisbane, Texas, Murwillumbah, Alice Springs, Inglewood, Emu Park, Sydney. Sold artwork Overseas to California, London, Amsterdam, and New Zealand. Most recently a painting sold to a private collector in California/USA via an Internet gallery.

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Snake Dreaming
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Turtles in a Stream
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