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First Name vaughn
Last Name tucker
Born 1973-02-02
Country United States
self thought artist won two awards in his native country jamaica he is inflence by monet and vangough using diffrent styles and mediums to capture carribean life
An art movement founded in France in the last third of the 19th century. Impressionist art...
total number of items 19 see items  
A style of painting which depicts subject matter (form, color, space) as it appears in act...
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An art style which emphasizes the personal, emotional and dramatic through the use of exot...
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There is no single well defined style of PostImpressionism, but in general it is less casu...
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Referring to the principles of Greek and Roman art of antiquity with the emphasis on harmo...
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An art movement of the early 20th century in which traditional adherence to realism and pr...
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Movement in painting, originating in New York City in the 1940s. It emphasized spontaneous personal expression, freedom from accepted artistic values, surface qualities of paint, and the act of painting itself. Pollock, de Kooning, Motherwell, and Kline, are important abstract expressionists.
by tucker
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An art style developed in the late 19th century characterized by the incorporation of symb...
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