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First Name Victor
Last Name Zubritsky
Born 1946-09-24
Country Russia
Estemed artist of the Russian Federation
The artist of arts and crafts, textiles. Was born on September, 24th, 1946 in Solnechnogorsk, the Moscow area. In 1970 has ended the Moscow textile institute. The beginning of creative work since 1970. Well having learned traditions of design of Pavlovsk scarfs, he has creative style. Works of the artist differ originality, a skilful combination of a modern ornament with traditional "Pavlovsk". A member of the union of artists of Russia since 1980 the Deserved artist of Russia (2002) Winner of the State premium of RSFSR it. I.E.Repina (1981) Winner of the State premium in the field of the literature and arts (1999) Academician. The honorary member of an academy of sciences of Russia (St.-Petersburg, 2000) the Participant of exhibitions: IV and VIII zone exhibitions " Artists of the central areas of Russia " (1974, 1997), V and VI republican art exhibition " the Soviet Russia " (1976), an exhibition of scientific and technical and art creativity of youth (VDNH, 1976), zone exhibitions "Moscow suburbs" (1980, 1984, 1990), an exhibition of applicants in members of the Union of artists of Russia (1980), an exhibition of applicants for honorary titles and rewardings by the state premiums (1981), " the Folk art of RSFSR " (1986), an exhibition-presentation of artists of national crafts of the Moscow area within the limits of international welfare fund " New names of a planet " (1997), an anniversary exhibition of an industrial collection of shawles and scarfs " 185 years platochnoj to factory of Open Society " pavlovo-»«ßáñßán platochnaja a manufactory " (1997), the All-Russia art exhibition " Boldinskaja autumn " (1999), to " Your Name " (2000), " Two centuries pavlovo-»«ßáñß«® of a shawl " (2001).
Personal exhibition (Pavlovsk posad, 1996) the Cores Óáí«ÔÙ:»½áÔ¿ and shawles " Russian motive ", "Charm", " the Bird of happiness ", "Ornament", "Mountain ash", "Cornflowers", "EVENING", etc. Works are in the State historical museum (Moscow), the new-Jerusalem ¿ßÔ«Ó¿«-architectural museum (Istra), State Tretjakovskoj gallery, the State historical and cultural memorial estate " the Moscow Kremlin " and in many other things museums. Nagrazhden a medal " In memory of the 850 anniversary of Moscow " (1998), medals " the Winner of the State premium of RSFSR it. I.E.Repina " (1981) and " the Winner of the State premium in the field of the literature and arts for 1999 " (2000). The grant-aided student for outstanding art workers and cultures of young authors.
A style of painting which depicts subject matter (form, color, space) as it appears in act...
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Design style prevalent during the 1920s and 1930s, characterized by a sleek use of straigh...
total number of items 2 see items  
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