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First Name MARIANA
Last Name OROS
Born 1969-05-30
Country Romania

National Exhibition group: 2014 Palatul Parlamentului , Sala Brancusi, Bucuresti, Romania 2013 Sala deTeatru Beius, Romania 2013 UAP - Sighisoara, Romania 2013 Muzeul Municipal Beius, Romania 2011 Ceai et Caetera, Brasov, Romania 2011 Palatul Parlamentului , Sala Brancusi, Bucuresti, Romania 2011 Ceainaria Tabiet, Bucuresti, Romania 2011 Galeria Elite Prof Art , Bucuresti, Romania 2010 Galeria Maryelen Beius, Romania 2009 Postnicum --Oradea- Romania 2009-2011 Galeria Sultana Bucuresti , Romania International Exhibition group: 2020 - Art Galerie , Ettlingen , Germania 2019 - New York Coffee Festival, USA 2018 - Organisation EffEff Ettlingen, Germania 2015 - The Spring salon ,Taza, Maroc. 2014 - The Coffee Art Project Amsterdam, Olanda. 2014 - India Contemporary Art Exhibition ,Jaipur (Rajasthan), India 2012 - Art Revolution Taipei 2012, Taiwan. 2011 - The 7th International Collective Exhibition “Autumn Salon, Gjilan, Kosovo 2010 - Likum Gallery, Brcko, Bosnia -Hertegovina 2006 - Coevorden "Gallery Faber" Olanda PUBLICATIONS : 2014 – LEONARDO - Guida de arte y artistas” - Spania 2013 – “State of the Art - Artist's book” Portugal. 2013 – “WIP “ by Wippublication , United States. 2013 - POEME ÎN LUMINĂ ŞI CULOARE - ,,PORTRET DE ARTIST'' Regal D”art, Romania 2013 –“RECURS LA INTELEPCIUNE” Regal D”art, Romania. 2012 – “ Art Revolution Taipei – My art, My show” by Taipei World Trade Center . 2011 -“International Dictionary of Artists Volume I by World Wide Art Book , United States. 2011 -“ Salloni Vjeshtor ” by Art Gallery Gjilan, Kosovo. 2010 - FILOSIFIA SFLETULUI by Doriana Crisan, Romania. AWARDS, DISTINCTIONS, DIPLOMA PARTICIPATION : ​2020 - Participation Certificate Luxembourg Art Prize 2013 - Winner - Best art of the Day- 2013- by Artradio ,England. 2013 - Winer art competition WORKINGTITLE365 la New Master Artist. 2010 -Golden brush , Likum Gallery , Brcko, Bosnia Herzegovina. Privat Collections : ROMANIA, OLANDA , BELGIA, GERMANIA, MAREA BRITANIE, USA, CANADA, BOSNIA I HERTEGOVINA, FRANTA, TAIWAN, KOSOVO.

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An art movement of the early 20th century in which traditional adherence to realism and pr...
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